When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome to hell.

Bobba: So what's this now? Natural Disasters Fest?

Jimma: I'm not sure about that Bobba, I'd rather call it the Coming-True-of-The-Long-Hallucinated-Judgement-Day.

Bobba: All along I didn't know you're a top-down Christian.

Jimma: No I'm not, I'm a disciple of

Bobba: "Until we are atoned for our sin"?

Jimma: 180,000 of approximated casualties, 130,000 in Vietnam and 50,000 in China, and still rising. Holy Yevon Christ that's like a great army of football players!

Bobba: What's the world coming to?

Jimma: Not Alice's Wonderland, that's for sure.

I had just donated RM5 today for the Sizhuan victims, not much, not that I have much in my wallet anyway. But have you done your part today? :)

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