When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Saturday, January 1, 2000

Past polls

Conclusion: What!? You don't know what is V-Soy!!!?? Outrageous!!!

Conclusion: I learned a lot about brands on this poll.

Conclusion: I sorta found the culprit that chose "1 glass" and beat him up for good.

Conclusion: Why is nobody correcting me that my poll is full of grammatical errors here and there and the choices available are not "liable" and practical at all? I should have put a "others" there right? =_= Malaysians do not speak up.

Conclusion: Malaysians are poor, don't you agree?

Conclusion: Why does zLz must be such a sore loser in EVERYTHING? I'm even no match for the Malaysia Government damn it!

Conclusion: Yes, you know, I know, everybody knows that "fcuk" is pure cool to say.

Conclusion: "Fcuk" still dominates the world as the most spoken international language to express joy/excitement/disagreement/agreement/boredom/ literally every emotion on Earth.

Conclusion: Shack hates this world, more than anyone else.

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