When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Another year, another start, another adventure.

Look at the date, today is 25th. It's someone else's birthday (ahem...) and yet I ate a slice of birthday cake that is meant for me in the morning right after I woke up at home. It has been this way for many years now (though it's not like 5 o'clock early in the morning everytime...) and of course I can somehow foresee what my parents would do every year. Yup my birthday is around the corner but "quite unfortunately" though it does not fall on the day that I'm home (wouldn't make much difference anyway) and so my usual "mini celebration" (erm... not quite...) has got to be today morning in that brief 8 minutes time.

Frankly I do not celebrate my birthday, now don't get me wrong that I did not get wishes from friends or presents or what, but I meant "no fancy dinner/meal or celebration (you know, like those kinda buffets that we used to attend with invitation to MANY people), no special presents, no wishes from family (they never did, so do I), no candles no nothing". I could hardly remember the last time I really "celebrated" my birthday, was when I was like... erm... 7 or 8 years old? Now that I've mentioned it, I would like to describe a bit about my childhood birthday celebrations. They used to be my happiest moments, though again no fancy meals and such, but of course there will be cake (I never missed cakes every year in my whole life, and I love them), AND the most important part for me, is that there will be tons of (I mean "many") toys surrounding me with the cake in front. Yes I once fond of toys; Transformers, Matchbox, Power Rangers (my ultimate collection), Gundams, "Pasar Malam Plastic Classics"... you name it. My mom used to be very strict and so no computer and video games for me last time, but "mild level" of Digimon is acceptible. So far I could recall that I have stuffed two full plastic boxes (huge ones) of toys, and now they are on display in my other house, nicely attached and posted. Not that I like to collect bunch of any plastic figures or so called "junks" but I actually do have a taste and "class". To visualize this point, I've actually collected almost RM 1.5k worth of toys (Power Rangers was the culrpit, I meant "High Quality Officially Genuine Power Rangers Plastics cum Metals Figures or Toys or Models" or whatever...). Yes, picky as to say I am. All in all I would most likely get some "high quality toys" every year from my parents and aunt (both are my hardcore toys sponsors throughout my childhood). I still remember clearly the phrase "Mighty "Morphine"(Morphing) Power Ranger!", I was a big fan of Power Rangers for many seasons lol...

So much for my childhood memory, of course I did not get any toys on this morning (I wished I could get something else, but none that was present. Not that I would blame them for that, of course I do understand about my parents' financial situation...). And as usual, "Khai Yuen there's a cake inside the fridge, cut it anytime you want and you might as well have it for your breakfast, cause I did not get any bread for you yesterday." It was a chocolate cake (I don't think I missed any "chocolate" too in my whole life whenever on my birthday, I love it...), I mean CHOCOLATE CAKE, because I can see nothing else besides chocolate. Chocolate toppings chocolate cream chocolate wrapping and of course, chocolate cake LOL. Anyway, it was a reasonably cheap cake compared to other branded cake shops, this one is from Tesco. No I wouldn't mind it, as long as it's a cake, and hey it's chocolate! XD

And so I ate the thing, cut it myself, no candles no birthday song (it was 5 in the morning duh, my parents were sleeping...), all by myself. Instead of a "mini celebration" I would say that it was just another normal breakfast, except with that "Happy Birthday" letters on the cake. I had done with it after about 8 minutes, ate to my heart content and put the remaining into a tupperware and into the fridge, and I told my mom to share it with my dad and grandpa when they wake up.

That's it for this year, just another year. But then I suddenly realized something when I was on the train back to MC; my mom has never failed to provide me with cakes every year, well actually my dad pays for it but she chooses it, and yet I've never said that "particular phrase" to them at all. And so I would like to take this opportunity here to say...

Thanks, mum and dad.


Damson said...

Hey, next when u wanna say that phrase...make it loud or atleast write it in a larger font size and dont use red please...it hurts my eyes...lol...jk jk...well...this year u would had...TONS of cakes...Friends!!! celebrating with u....you just wait it...lol...dont worry...you will have another thing to blog again...hahahahaha...akthough I dont think the celebration would be very fun as in..real fun...but then its from everyone's heart to wish and celebrate the birthday for you...lol...

Damson said...

sorry im eating my dinner now so got some grama mistakes..lol...ah..another thing...happy brithday..1st...lol...

~K£cќ~ said...

I think u select the wrong medium to thank your parents XDXD ... do it verbally i dun think they ever read your blog lol ....

Hmm 2 days earlier eh ... not bad XDXD ...

At least u get a cake XD mine is ocassionally every few years once

Lau Ky said...

If I can do it verbally do you think I'd ever say it here?

Damson said...


nostalgia.jesskang said...

Happy Birthday, dude!!!!

Lau Ky said...

Thanks, gal!!!!

Damson said...

Jess should do it verbally lol!