When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

So long and goodnight

"Well, since you've not been using that gaming console for months (years, actually), why not give it to your little *censored*?"


Yes, as reluctant as I could. You know, as gamers, we all have that nostalgic value kinda feeling towards our "collections". I mean, whenever possible, we would actually like to keep it rather than selling it (or in this case, giving it away as though in charity shows). Although we might never touch it ever again but this is what you call a "valuable collectibles" you see...

If you so happen to bump into a guy nowadays which still have the Sega or Nintendo old gaming consoles, you might say "Oh, you still keeping that a-century-old machine??".

But if it were for me, I would have said "WTF!!!?? HOLYMUTHAEFFFINGOMFGBBQ! You're way too cool man! Let me see it let me see it! Puh-leassssssse~"


Yea, you get the idea.

But my mum finally talked me out of this -_- (Still remember who bought it? I actually do not have a choice here Zzz).

"Remember how well *censored* treated you when you were just a kid? And now I'm just asking you to give away one of yours."

"But mum... Nostalgic va..."

"No more nostalgic whatsoever boy, you're not given with options here. Now go and pack it."


Goodbye my dear (T_T)


nostalgia.jesskang said...

Give to...?

Lau Ky said...

As I said, will be given to *censored*.

James2spooky said...

sure one of his cousins...same thing happenned to me and my best friend.

I know it sounded like this when your mum asked you to giveaway your dear PSone:

"Son, you haven't been touching your girlfriend for so long, why not you give her to Sam next door."

Lau Ky said...

Hell no, I'm not sharing my girlfriend with nobody! Kill me >.<

~K£cќ~ said...

Sadnya ... Once i read it I knew it was gona be your PS 1 >.<

EH you're giving away your wife ok ... not mere gf =.="

Wat happened to all your games? >.< I can help u preserve some if you want ;) >.<

James2spooky said...

It's time to get an upgraded version of wife, PS2 or PS3. I recommend PS2 because PS3 isn't mod-ed in M'sia yet so you have to buy original games, I think.

If you want a close wife who will always be with you wherever you go, get a PSP instead. Small in size, portable, easy to carry, convenient, cute, lovely...

Lau Ky said...

Kelvin - I chose some lousy games which I don't want and give him (duh), I'm still keeping the hits such as FF, MGS and such (and duh). And he will have to buy his own memory card too (and duh X2) since I will be keeping mine.

James - I have PS2 about 2 or 3 years after owning PS One, and started to get bored too.
And I wouldn't consider PSP (but if anyone willing to give me for free, of course I will take it. And duh X3). If I ever wanted a portable device, I would rather consider NDS. But I will consider NONE for now -_- No money.

~K£cќ~ said...

=.=" you already have a portable wife .... remember wat r u using to type now? @.@

James2spooky said...

klck, it's time for him to have a portable child then LoL

Anonymous said...

If the PS2 is a man, then the psp is a man without a dick.... Literally every game on it is an inferior version of a ps2 version...... NDS also getting a bit sien d ler, my bro and I hardly play it these days, chalk it up to being unable to download new games coz of shitty internet connection.

Personally, I dun really see much value in keeping those treasured games of yours if they ain't ori.... I can't find any of my PS1 era FF games anymore,,,,,,,, Now i really envy tuck fu....

James2spooky said...

"If the PS2 is a man, then the psp is a man without a dick"

Then how about PC? >< It's usually the last platform to get new games...

Lau Ky said...

Yang Guo - You can give me your NDS anytime you feel to. And though I know (I admit) that none of my games is original, but you can't even buy them nowadays can you -_- So what's wrong with keeping them?

James - It's a left out woman with no husband nor child, but she's pretty.

~K£cќ~ said...

=.= talk bad about them n yet it used to be all your favourite

If you don't appreciate them others will ...

~K£cќ~ said...

N btw, no one ever force anyone to buy them. If you think they sux then just let them be @.@

Lau Ky said...

I assume that you're talking about me.

Anonymous said...

James - haha, PC is not the last to get any games la, just those console games....

Most PC games are exclusive to PC anyway.....

klck - I complain about everything, even stuff i like...lol

The thing is my cous has a psp n all he plays is MGS and GTA which are both available for the PS2, n both games feature poorer graphics and an inferior control scheme.... so i hope tht u'll 4give me 4 saying wut i said... N if anyone buys a psp solely for games n not for its other purposes like watching movies and listening to mp3s, tht person is pretty much a dickhead...

~K£cќ~ said...

Erm no because its portable and you can play it in lecture hall instead of listening to the super boring lecturer in front =.="

Anonymous said...

u can watch movies and listen to mp3's too.......

Lau Ky said...

Or you can use it to hit people too, in fact.

~K£cќ~ said...

Sure if you're willing to, its yours anyway but i dun think it can kill, it will break before that stage