When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Please help me with my Chicken Fever



- 因為他是個孤儿
- 因為他連日歷都没有,生活度日如年
- 因為他的家昨日又被炸毁了
- 因為電流很珍貴,晚上能看到光,已經很可貴了
- 因為炮火時常来到家門前,催逼他離開
- 因為他平生只拍過一次照,但確未曾看過自己的照片
- 因為他珍惜生命,他愛他的家人
- 因為他們經常多日三餐不繼,最重要的是食物而非玩具


SOMEHOW I got dragged into some "meaningful" shit in the middle of a madness night... Okay, my Chinese-English translation is hereby put to the test, I am suppose to translate this piece of cake (I mean shit...) into, "Engrand" or whatever you call it. Nope I'm not that "artistic" or "morally educated" as what you might say but I'm doing this upon a request by our pretty cum gorgeous cum smart cum almighty cum sexy Jess~~~~(ssssssss) as she exclaimed that her mastery of Chinese language is not that of my standard (now you know). Ahem, dear readers, please be my dearest witness that she has promised to treat me to a meal of Mc Donald's for this, YOU HEAR ME.

Here it goes...


Feeling isolated? Never really had a true friend? Your birthday is being neglected?? Not to mention celebrating, he doesn't even know his own birthday.
-Because he's an orphan.

Been crooking your brain to think of a new target and what to achieve in the new year? Well he doesn't even know what it's like in the new year.
-Because he doesn't even have a proper calendar, he has been living his whole life as though he has to undergo a long and suffering year in everyday's life. (what the heck is this?)

While you are being shy and afraid to show your shabby house to friends, and admiring those with glamorous houses, he is picking up what are left that lie in the ruins of houses.
-Destructions caused by wars have claimed his house yesterday, again.

Getting sicked with those 121 channels in Astro of yours?? (okay maybe those 6 channels of buatan Malaysia...), they can't even distinguish a television from my shoe box!
-Electricity is their jewel, it'd already be a great fortune that they'd see even a dim light at night, not to mention to see a bunch of moving pictures in my shoe box!

Hawaii? Phuket? MALACCA!? Where to in this wonderful holiday?? They are planning where to go too, just to avoid those icing-cool bullet heads and missiles from piercing their rooftops, and maybe, their asses.
-Gunfires visit everyday, they have no choice but to run a 40km marathon.

Yerr... Fat? Pimples? Skinny? Ugly? Pork chop? Spec'key??? For god sake he doesn't even know how does he look like!
-For they have only taken their photos once in a lifetime, and they couldn't even look at their own photo. (this, I don't understand. Where are all the IDs? All went to Big Ear Hole??)

"Mum I hate you" Ought to be a runaway wannabe? Leaving soon? Wanna suicide? Not so early my boy. He is glad and thankful that he is still alive.
-He knows what kind of business a life is, he knows how and when to appreciate it. He loves his family!

Your children have been DotA'ing and CS'ing for a whole freaking night?? His kids don't even know how to differentiate a toy gun from a real one! (okay maybe a better one, "his kids don't even know how to differentiate Transformers from my shoe box!!")
-For they have always not been able to get sufficient food everyday, do you even think that they'd have time to toy and "fool" around you freaking O2 maniac!?? You hear me you freaking bunch of O2 fingers-haywired-X.Ray eyes-maniacs!!???

I am truly regret that to a certain extent that I've been misleading Banana Readers regarding this truly truly meaningful (from the very Malacca.Strait-deep-bottom of my heart) allegations (I mean erm... "Findings") from our dear friend here
Ying En<<---I mean, for crying out loud, read her original entry already!!
, yes I am admitting that I've done something "quite terribly" wrong in the first place. Okay trust me, this piece of essay (darn, I mean... "Texted feeling"... nay, forget it) is very well-written (I actually can't believe that until Jess(sssssss) told me so) and touching, you have my gratitudes (representing the unfortunate bunch...) for being concern and aware of lives out there.

Pardon me if I really did anything terrible in this post, as you know I only do it for an earning (I mean... I need a piece of chicken so badly that I'd die for it, Doc Kynne said that I really need it a.s.a.p as I'm suffering from a "Chicken Fever", no pun intended).


nostalgia.jesskang said...

*grins* Yours is not bad either, honestly. I shall post an entry in my blog so that my "readers" can read this nice piece of writing (shall I say these pieces?)...

Anonymous said...

funny, i received an e-mail which is similar to ur post, albeit with pictures, just before reading this post. Anyway, pretty accurate translations, though i'm sure tht not all of it is from the original text lol.....

Lau Ky said...

Perhaps she wrote it and send it to people out there...