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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Freeze! FBI!

There was this theory that under extreme cold circumstances... one's body cells, including the brain's, would freeze and stop functioning temporary. Once heated up, these cells would function again. This idea is thought to have a great contribution to sending human into the outer space which requires thousands of years later on.

Inspired by this terminology, I have left myself with no choice but to freeze my own coconuts in order to keep everything I've studied for the test tomorrow...

I really hope it works.

Good luck tomorrow guys.


Damson said...

good idea....i shall try it sometimes...

~K£cќ~ said...

If you ever REALLY tried that and did not end up in the hospital, and scored full for tml's test tell me pls ;)

All the best ^^