Which course? *shakes head* Ah ah... I have no idea. But then for sure it would be something Arts and Social related, perhaps language too (but no literature please!!! Fcuk thyself in heaven Shakespeare). No more science, no more maths, no more accounting! But hey does this kinda shit even existed? (=_=) It would be hell lotta nicer if I can get such a course, no Binomial craps no Einstein'ish theories no Balance-Shits or whatsoever rubbish. On the dark side though, things aren't as simple as they seem. You know what? You can't simply change course as you wish, no not for some laid back poor scumbag like myself. Money is the first issue (I'm still thinking about that), family's faith is the second. Imagine how things would turn out if you tell your parents "I want to change course, I found that this course doesn't suit me that well after all." after they have spent 10k on you for two semesters... trust me things will get ugly. In case of worst scenario, I will consider working for a while first to earn enough money for me to continue my studies.
So, what have I been up to lately? There is an old saying, "Guys' problems can only either be financial problem or relationship problem". And guess what, I hit the jackpot, I have both! But then, not something I would like to talk about here... Let's check out something else exciting (to me, it is), I just got myself an axe!!! ^.^ Oops I mean an electric guitar~
I'm not gonna list out the specs of this axe here since I don't think any of you would get it anyway (besides Yang Guo), but if you are really interested, you can check Yang Guo's entry on his Big Wooden Plank of Kick-Assery here. (Yea we were actually gay enough to get the same guitar, but his is a lefty version)
I've done classical guitar before but I think I still have hell lot to learn since I last picked up a guitar years ago. And yes we've decided to form a band (that's in the long run and it's still a blur concept). Notify me if you are/your friends are interested in band forming, especially bassists and drummers (we could really use these two), thanks!
This rounds up my recent life pretty well and sorry again for the long post. Great thanks to those of you who worried about me (if there is any). The only thing I can say for now is that I've decided to pick up and start moving again, searching around in my life for the lost pieces of me :) I should say that I'm fine now (think so). Expect more frequent update on my site from now on (before the next breakdown happens, you know, mood swing happens). Happy living~
(Oh by the way, since almost every guitarist names their guitar, mine has a name too. I named it Shirley xD It's my first guitar ever, something like my first crush perhaps.)
Welcome back
Welcome back
your gig bag is 100 times better than mine, though mine was free la...... =.=, why your axe so shiny wan......
Thanks a lot Jess for your double "Welcome back" xD
Yang Guo, there is always something called cloth on Earth, wipe it everytime after playing to get rid of the perspiration and fingerprints (footprints?). And my gig bag costs RM 55 :)
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