When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

A not-so-balance Balance Sheet

If you ever take Accounting, you would know what is a Balance Sheet (where you keep trying and trying, and consistently shouting SHIT in the process...).

I've never seen a Balance Sheet THIS unbalance... Unbalance as in 1 freakingMillion Ringgit of difference...

Ever wanted to hit someone so hard? And that someone is you yourself?

I'll never figure out what the hell is a Balance Sheet in the whole of my lifetime Zzz.


nostalgia.jesskang said...

Well... To balance the shit, we need to be extra careful in interpreting and recording every item. Not to forget we must know item beforehand.

~K£cќ~ said...

And thank god you're not going to be an accountant or you will be "shitting" here and there often

nostalgia.jesskang said...

And well, basically we are really shit to sit for accounting exam. Now everything is computerized. The most important thing is to understand the concept.

But if you can balance the shit using hand, then sure it's a added bonus.

chemical_heart_beating said...

That's mean i have to continue "shitting" for the other 2 more years, Sweat!!

Anywayz, it's really irritating when cannot balance the "sheet". Just try your best my dear friend.