When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

zLz's Disgus'things Vol. II Take Two

One thing which I left out for a long time and almost forget about it... I shall reveal the answer for the 2nd volume of zLz's Disgus'things.

Possible answers:

And the correct answer is...


Note: Red circles are my answer, green arrows are some possible answers from some really "civilian" users xD (Sorry Jess)

This, though, is MY answer. You could have different LOGICAL ideas too.
(Like, Jess told me you can actually use the tank to store rubbish, and that makes 7. Yea right, Jess does that.)


nostalgia.jesskang said...

I nearly forgot about this =P

~K£cќ~ said...

Ok now i understand -___- logically i counted 6 too ...

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Can you circle your answer? I mean which part you refer to. Thanks

~K£cќ~ said...

Yes i counted that six red circles too ... =___= ...

The green ones hmm ... the cup below the basin need spanar to be opened

The one below the wash toilet brush, I'm not sure if that is a hole

The flush tank ... how, you can throw it out, can hide inside only ... maybe it will even come out in the toilet bowl when you flush ....