Okay, enough with the bullshyt of how I felt, maybe I should elaborate more on the concert itself. We went to Stadium Merdeka on foot right from Sungei Wang, and it is located near my secondary school, MBSSKL. Oh well, since walking for a long distance is no new thing to us MBS'ians (I mean, you guys used to walk from school all the way to Sungei Wang, Low Yatt, Times Square and who-knows-whereelse to do stuff I-don't-know everyday right?), so it was an easy task all right especially with the cloudy day and crappings with two malatlou's. But due to some unwanted circumstances (ahem, someone spent a-quarter-of-my-lifetime to finish just one simple plate of chicken chest at KFC, despite dubbing himself a proud member of the Chest Club in TARC. Oh, did you say "helper"?), we were late. Yes! Late for a holy-mother-eff-fing-band's concert!
But as we all know, when we say the concert starts at 6:30 p.m., it actually means 7:30 or even 8:00 p.m. in Malaysian context (at least I thought so). So actually it was no big deal at all, we could even spent some time browsing through those self-proclaimed MCR merchandise those Malays selling along the road, and got ourselves a T-shirt each (heck, I got myself a pretty cool one, at least I think so). There were people selling food, refreshments, shirts, posters, car stickers, and even some I-don't-know-what-you-call-but-they-are-to-be-hung-on-your
-neck kinda tags with cool MCR group photo in them. Oh, and there were people promoting Celcom X-Pax too, too bad I was there solely for the concert, not to X.
Being the first time attending such event, not to mention the first time in such a freaking awesome band's concert, but also the first time squeezing along with several thousands of people. I mean, TEN THOUSANDS of people. Though I have been to similar events too but those were not as *doot* (I don't know what word to use here) as this one. One of the things that we could noticed about this concert was most of the audience wore black T, and some even changed with the shirts they bought on the spot (semangat gila). Among the thousands there was this young fellow, who ignored the coolness of wearing black shirts as to cope with the tour's theme, wore a freaking uncool Kemeja T PUTIH dengan buttons dengan blue stripes dengan dengan... ugh @.@ I mean, whatever, you rocks, B. Okay la I know I didn't wear black shirt also but at least I wore a deep brown alright, I don't have black lar. Oh, and I really agreed with Yang Guo that, most of the fans here are Malays. I seriously wonder why.
To the concert itself. As I've never really been to such big event (concert) at all, I actually did not expect we were to stand in the middle of the field (okay Yang Guo I am NOT blaming you alright). Generally, there were four zones in total, namely the Red Zone (free standing), Yellow Zone (free standing), Blue Zone (free standing), and Green Zone (free seating). We bought the tickets for Blue Zone, though I hate to admit it, but yes it was the second farthest from the stage itself, second farthest from that godlike MCR bunch damn it! Basically, you just squeeze all you can to the frontest area (though we never did that, no I wouldn't risk my tiny body doing so).
After warming up by two awesome local bands (yes, they were awesome, though I used to think local bands are awful, pardon the pun), namely One Buck Short (you need my help?) and Pop Shuvit, MCR finally came out after a freaking long wait, but the wait was worth it. Greeted with a "F.U.C.K." (I'm serious) by Gerard, the real deal kicked off. Bob (the drummer) couldn't attend the concert for whatever reason, and the drummer role was took over by a guy I-forgot-what-name from a band named Thursday. Oh well, it doesn't matter much who they use for drummer so as long as Ray Toro is in for the guitar (hehe, sorry, all drummers sounded the same to me, as long as they are pro and know how to play, they sounded the same to me - they all sounded awesome).
As for the highlights of the night, it was no surprise that the fans got high when MCR performed the songs Mama, I Don't Love You, Helena, Welcome to The Black Parade, Teenagers (a HUGE KICKASS publicity of this song in Malaysia, so if you're a MCR fan and don't know this song at all, you know what to do), This Is How I Disappear, Cancer, Dead!, and Famous Last Words, among all. The feeling of having ten thousands people singing together and waving or jumping along was... you'll have to try it yourself. Still couldn't get enough with that "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone"~ WOO!
A few interesting reality check on the concert was - I was surprised that they actually prepared "portable toilets" in the field, aiya I forgot to snap a photo of it. And I think that Gerard sure has eaten some Nasi Lemak before the concert because he sounded exactly like zLz was forced to some shyt of karaoke and got stuck the mic into his mouth and was threaten to sing 夜来香 in super high pitch, except that he did a tad better than zLz. (XD, kidding la, live performance ma, sure the quality will be lower. But he really sounded like he had a sore throat or what, cause the earlier songs all "zhou ying"). And it seemed like the concert itself was actually blessed (or MCR is actually blessed by vampires? -.- since they worshipped them so much), cause it has been drizzling all night but it didn't get heavy. And thanks to that drizzling I am still alive here writing this and did not die from suffocation. And one thing, I love their gigantic speakers! And I would like one in my house too, though I doubt whether it will blast the whole block down...
And now the exclusive coverage of MCR in zLz's Crapping Space, bear in mind that you get to read it here first.
Mr. Ethic, the organizer of the concert: Greetings boys, I am really really glad that you guys have decided to hold a concert here in Malaysia, welcome to MY. And thanks a lot for coming, I'm sure the fans here will be pleased by your band's rocking performance tonight.
Gerard, representing the band: How ya' doing, there's no need to thank us. We are here to bring some fcuking action! And I ensure you tonight would be a fcuking awesome night and the fans would be fcuking high!
Mr. Ethic: Ho...ho...ho hold on! There are several things I would like you to take note of regarding the concert itself.
Gerard: Yeay!? I'm paying attention, chill.
Mr. Ethic: We are really glad that you came but you see this is THE Malaysia and... we Malaysian here are of civilized and pretty much well-educated kind of bunch (I am the typical example uhuh), so... If you would, I'd like to ask you to cut down the use of you-know-what-that-word-is during the concert, and if possible, do not use it at all. My PM would not be happy if he hears that a lot you know, haha.
Gerard: FCUK?
Mr. Ethic: Haha... (embarassingly)
Gerard: You serious? So it's to say, it would be really okay if I don't use that word at all, am I right? Are you really sure it's alright with that?
Mr. Ethic: Yes, as long as you don't use that word itself.
Gerard: Alright, deal. Chill.
Mr. Ethic: AHA!! Thanks a lot! You are of big help! I love you MCR.
Gerard: Sure.
Gerard: ...
(During the concert)
Gerard: How ya' all doing Malaysian!? Kuala Lumpur how are you!?
Gerard: Let's get this started! F!U!C!K!!!
Mr. Ethic, watching from distance: !!! *pfff*
Gerard: (I was banned from using that word, I must control myself, I mustn't use it at all) You see, I'm really glad that I have been part of this eff-fing band, and you guys are eff-fing awesome, you know that!?
Mr. Ethic: *faints*
--The End--
I'm not sure whether those songs containing the bad words are sang properly since I couldn't hear a thing they sing at all in such situation (who can?). I only know that I have learnt a new word mama, that was a EFF-FING awesome night!
If I may, I want to tell MCR that...
You guys rocked one day of my life. And I would like to give a zillion credits to Mr. Yang Guo, for treating me to such an awesome concert! THANKS DUDE.
I got two ^^....... Damn la my throat hurts like hell now....great concert though...Btw, i was surprised those toilet booths actually had toilet paper....
I didn't see toilet roll, where was it? @.@
Wtf. I didn't get the poster. =.=
Haha, they were giving out at the entrance when we left. Maybe you left too early? I hanged around with my friends before we got out.
Thanks for commenting.
Really? Hmm. Should've stuck around, haha.
Nvm. I think I'm satisfied.
Remember the chicken dance Gerard did after Mama? It shall be cemented in my memory forever. xD
And no problem. =]
WAHAHAHA, I sure hope they will come again. Though I'm so looking forward to Avril Lavigne now, Yang Guo, my turn to treat you when she comes, and I'm serious ;)
haha, i don't mind. Wanna c the hottest rock chic on earth
You are so wrong, she's not the hottest rock chic on Earth. She's the hottest in the universe damn it! XD
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