When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

This, Vol. II

This, is my mobile phone.

This, is my sweet RM 780 mobile phone, Sony Ericsson K618i, with a 2.0 Megapixel camera.

This, is my roommate's mobile phone.

This, is my roommate's RM 900 mobile phone, Sony Ericsson K800, with a goddamn 3.2 MegaFreakingPixel camera.

Judging from the above pictures taken with both of these phones (in which I used his to take mine and vice versa), you can already tell who's the winner in terms of picture's clarity and sharpness (don't bother with the lighting, I think I messed up with both the phones' settings).

Unwillingly and reluctantly accepting the defeat... At least my phone can do THIS

This, is a frame which, looks a lot like a toilet mirror, and in fact it is.

SEE!? I got your damn phone framed! Can you do this!?? With THIS frame? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Yea right...


~K£cќ~ said...

Pls, do not compare with K800, all other 2 mp phone will lose badly, not to mention that it has xenon flash too.

Tried, even a 5 mp Nokia N82 is worse then k800

nostalgia.jesskang said...

My bro just bought that K800.. So envy... =.=