When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

To think opti'mistake'ally

And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

And you never had a chance
I'm just the way that the doctor made me
You'll never make me leave
I wear this on my sleeve
Give me a reason to believe
You're running after something that you'll never kill
I keep a gun in the book you gave me, hallelujah, lock and load

Don't you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
A drink for the horror that I'm in
For the good guys and the bad guys
For the monsters that I've been
Three cheers for tyranny
Unapologatic apathy

I love my money
I love my college
I love my books
I love my toys
I love my crush
I love my friends
I love my lecturers
I love my sex
I love myself

Being pessimistic all the time kills oneself, so I guess I'll have to think opti(ahem)mistically once in a while, well at least for today.

And through it all
How could you cry for me?
Cause I don't feel bad about it
So shut your eyes
Kiss me goodbye
And sleep
Just sleep

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