When I say shit, I really mean shit. And I do talk shit.

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zLz's Malaysia Election 2008 Special

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

zLz's Whispering Vol. II

I'd say

We always tend to forget to pack something and only get to realize it after we left for a faraway place let it be traveling or outstation.

Follow me?


nostalgia.jesskang said...

Agree no more especially for careless people like me....

How you define one glass of water?

Lau Ky said...

Mankind's everyday's everybody's typical glass, what else.

Aiyo just your glass size lar.

nostalgia.jesskang said...

My glass is quite small one.... I think around 250ml....

By the way, I drink more than 1000ml but less than 2000ml everyday.... So how many TYPICAL glasses is that?

Lau Ky said...

[QUOTE]By the way, I drink more than 1000ml(1001ml) but less than 2000ml(1999ml) everyday...[QUOTE]

(1999 + 1001)/2 = 1500ml

1500/250 = 6 cups

So can you answer the question now?

~K£cќ~ said...

I can't ... i drink by bottles and who knows how many times i refill it a day =.= i should say ... RANDOM

Lau Ky said...

I believe "Too much to be measured" is your bloody answer kid.

~K£cќ~ said...

Maybe too little to be measured =.=

James2spooky said...

8 glasses are just enough for me. 250*8ml it is 1900ml, er, no, 2100ml? Been 3 months of holidays and my brain has became rusty, I think it's "too hard to be measured" for me. Wait, it's not about how many mililiter...ooo was about how many glasses? Ah...in that case 8, yea, 8...[/crap]